Agape Montessori Classical Christian Academy
"Providing a real-life education in a Christ-centered environment"
CALL US: 601-634-0092
Agape Montessori Christian Academy understands that having a quality schools is always dynamic. It is a work in progress, because the highest levels of educational excellence require constant commitment and attention. We are able to provide just this. Without a doubt, parents around the world are increasingly aware of the benefits of an appropriate environment for the successful intellectual, social, spiritual and emotional development of their children. Documented scientific studies support what Dr. Montessori proposed years ago - that young children possess an amazing window of opportunity in the early years during which they can permanently enrich their intellect. There is no question that intellectual stimulation is one of the components which makes Montessori education so unique and vital. We present enriched and balanced Montessori centers which are responding to society's needs. Our program offers these centers to allow each child to learn actively. We focus on furthering the inner needs, social/emotional development and the general education of each child. We offer a nurturing Christ centered environment where learning can flourish.

Our Classroom is.....
....a safe place where everyday conflict is used as a "teachable moment" to share Jesus' love and forgiveness, to live in God's grace and mercy, to build children's self-esteem and self-reliance, problem-solving skills, trust in peers, empathy and compassion for others. Teachers and assistants participate as facilitators, modeling forgiveness and allowing children to practice their conflict resolution skills as they develop and grow.
The AMCA Program:
Our classrooms have combined ages/grades, which allow us to focus on our entire learning community. Careful design of both environment and materials, along with the Montessori principles, empowers the students to be challenged and to excel. The students have voice in the design of their environment and a choice in some parts of their daily learning schedule. Each person in the AMCA community shares the responsibility of cleaning and maintaining our classrooms and facilities.
AMCA uses the A Beka curriculum for grade K4 through grade 12 to offer an enriching academic experience. A Beka uses the stories and Christian principles as outlined in Biblical study to provide a challenging academic course of study for all students. At every level, a Beka meets or exceed local, state, and federal requirements for educational success.